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结合当前新疆高校大学生主流文化教育面临的新问题、新挑战,阐述了中国特色主流文化认同的内涵、特征、主流文化认同的理论视域,分析新疆高校大学生主流文化认同教育的特殊重要性,提出加强新疆高校大学生主流文化认同教育的策略选择。  相似文献   
关于独立学院教学体制的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
独立学院作为一种新型的办学模式,是高教改革的战略抉择,对我国高等教育向“大众化教育”转变具有重要的意义。构建合理的独立学院教学体制是实现人才培养的关键。对此,独立学院必须以培养应用型专门人才为目标,以市场为导向,科学确定学生的知识结构和能力体系,构建合理的人才培养模式;应根据独立学院的特点,以教学运行管理为重点,加强教学管理的规范化建设,构建合理的教学管理机制;以提高教学质量为目标,构建合理的教学质量监控与保障体系;充分运用独立学院灵活的办学机制,构建一支由母体高校教师、专任教师和兼职教师三部分组成的,适应独立学院教学工作需要的教师队伍。  相似文献   
部队建设的基础在基层,基层建设是警卫部队建设与发展的重要内容,也是警卫事业全面发展的重要保证。在新世纪新阶段,只有以科学发展观为指导,把科学发展观贯穿于警卫部队基层建设的全过程,落实到各项具体工作中,才能使部队建设在安全、有序的环境下得以全面、持续、和谐、健康地发展,才能真正提升部队战斗力,履行好警卫部队肩负的历史使命。  相似文献   
按照依附理论,从历史发展的过程及社会结构的角度来看,中国教育现代化有很强的依附性特征。基于此,中国教育在其现代化过程中,必须在利用依附发展特性的基础上,摆脱、超越对西方发达国家教育的依附;中国教育现代化必须处理好与经济发展、政治民主、法制建设之间的关系,以此促进自己的现代化进程。  相似文献   
针对阵列体制雷达,由极大似然估计导出自适应多零点单脉冲测角原理。分析发现迭代步长过大导致双零点单脉冲技术在多目标条件下失效,因此提出加权步长改进角度估计的迭代过程,只需要较少计算量就能实现群内多个目标的精确测角。仿真结果表明:该算法在较高信噪比条件下可以精确测量群内三个目标角度,测角误差约为0.15倍波束宽度;当群目标数较多或者目标相位差接近于0时,算法性能下降明显。  相似文献   
研究新公布的北斗民用导航电文中的两类历书与北斗二号导航电文历书的差异,对比分析各类历书对接收机首次定位时间的影响。利用实际的历书数据,比较不同历书类型的用户算法,分析不同龄期数据对接收机首次定位性能的影响。结果表明,高精度历书在1周的数据龄期内性能较为稳定,中等精度历书精度稍逊于高精度历书,但由于简化了电文空间,能接近高精度历书性能。简约历书进一步简化了参数数目和电文空间,尽管位置误差达到了数百千米,但却能在数月之后保持相应精度,有利于缩短接收机首次定位时间。  相似文献   

This article highlights the difficulty of creating a code of ethics in anthropology, particularly one that appropriately addresses the nuanced nature of the military and the anthropologists who conduct research and disseminate information in the context of war. The article consults one of the most important books on this topic, George R. Lucas' Anthropologists in Arms (2009), along with several other relevant texts, and examines the ethical complexities and dilemmas American and European anthropologists faced during their involvement in both World Wars, as well as those faced during Vietnam and the more recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The article also examines the military's recruitment of cultural experts, the methods used to culturally engage combatants, and the criticisms against social scientists who choose to work as so-called military anthropologists. The anthropologists in this article risked academic exile conducting what some consider an adulteration of academic principles. The article contributes to the discourse regarding unconventional warfare and the methods used by the armed forces to better understand the cultural nuances of people, and to highlight the need for the development of a better anthropological code of ethics that accounts for the challenges of war.  相似文献   
在时间序列分析建模思想的基础上,基于全国2007年24小时火灾起数建立时间序列模型,对火灾发生趋势进行分析,并从预防控制时间上提出相应的防控建议。  相似文献   
解决当前基层党员队伍中存在的三个突出问题,必须切实提高基层党员培训质量。各级党委、支部要站在党对军队绝对领导、履行职责使命、建设现代化武警的高度,坚持以锤炼坚强党性为根本,永葆基层党员的先进性;以提高党务能力为重点,增强党员培训的针对性;以发挥模范作用为目标,调动履职尽责的积极性。  相似文献   

In Operation Iraqi Freedom, which ended in August 2010, nearly 3500 hostile deaths occurred among US military personnel and 32,000 more were wounded in action (WIA). More than 1800 hostile deaths occurred during Operation Enduring Freedom (in and around Afghanistan) through 2014 and about 20,000 were WIA. A larger proportion of wounded personnel survived in Iraq and Afghanistan than during the Vietnam War, but the increased survival rates were not as high as some studies have asserted. The survival rates were 90.2% in Iraq and 91.6% in Afghanistan, compared with 86.5% in Vietnam. The casualty rates varied between the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and before, during, and after the respective surges. Amputation rates are difficult to measure consistently, but I estimate that 2.6% of all WIA and 9.0% of medically evacuated WIA from the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters combined resulted in the major loss of a limb. Elevated non-hostile death rates (including deaths due to accidents, illnesses, homicides, or suicides) resulted in about 220 more deaths in Iraq and about 200 more deaths in Afghanistan than would have been expected in peacetime among populations of the size deployed to those two conflicts.  相似文献   
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